Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Overcoming your Tennis Everest - a message for the aspiring tennis player

I left this comment for PJ ( and World Tennis Congress organizer today in response to his post about recent setbacks.

Background: I came in contact with PJ way back in 2012 leading up to the first Tennis Congress. He was very nice and we had a nice long chat about NY’s Total Tennis vs other tennis academies. I stumbled upon this blog again the other day and so surprised to see his note about recent health issues and struggling with getting to NTRP 4.5. I hope this message finds you and your readers well, PJ!

My USPTA Tennis Coach Biography

I started out as a 3.0 USTA player.
Over a decade ago and picked up tennis late as a teenager. Climbing the next rung on the later was also my tennis life’s goal. My road too was paved with many hurdles, setbacks, multiple tennis injuries and heartbreak losses at USTA championships.

But right here I want to stop and say -
If a (small 5’5 Asian) guy with big dreams in his mid-30s can play the best tennis of his lifeevery person reading this blog can get there too! And become reigning DC Open 4.5 singles champion

The late, great boxer Muhammad Ali once said…
”Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.”

There are no free "Let's" or "Re-do's" in life.
Make it Count.

You can't count on second chances.

Conditions are never going to be perfect and time will keep ticking away while you wait. Don't waste your opportunities. Have a game plan.

All you can do is prepare...

Well that and Work hard. Train well. Eat healthy. Pray. Keep fighting. Earn every point. Celebrate your wins. Try to learn from your losses. Then do it all over again.

In a nutshell, that's the life of a tennis grinder. That's my life.

Tennis: Merits of Sport

The optimist in me says Tennis is the great equalizer, the great meritocracy of sport - it's code and ideals are suppose to be based on the performance of the better man that day. Rich or poor, young or old, fat or thin - the law of the court determines your fate at the end of the match.

If you have shortcomings in health or in character. Tennis will expose them. It reveals Sin and makes them pay.

  • Ever eat a Big Mac and drink a super-size Coke before exercising?
  • Want to quit smoking but still stay thin?
  • Enjoy alcohol too much sometimes and regret it later?
  • Habit of partying too late before a big match?

Trust me - tennis will tell you to your face.

You don't need to appear on Biggest Loser, or buy nicotine patches, or go to AA to get instant feedback that you're doing something wrong to your body. :) Try to seek moderation in all things...

Even to get mentally tougher, feel more confident and learn self-discipline in your daily routine.

Play enough tennis, and you'll learn quick enough. Or for the stubborn enough, pass out trying to fight Biology and Tennis.

The price of true glory will come in blood, sweat and perhaps some tissue damage.There is No way to Buy yourself what is truly worth attaining.

Read the rest...and hope it will inspire you